Sub Camps

In the Auschwitz complex, there were over forty sub camps which were used to make prisoners into laborers. Each camp had a separate occupation they would send prisoners to so they could work. Some places included factories, forests, beaches,and mining. One of these camps was Althammer. This camp was in Stara Kuznia which was near Halemba in Poland was active September 1944 to January 1945. While in this camp, the 486 prisoners would work on the construction of a thermal electric power plant. Another camp, Chelmek, in Chelmek was active October 1842 to December 1942. The prisoners, about 150, would work in a shoe factory making and fixing shoes. If more help was needed they would also work cleaning the water reservoir. Frustengrube, a camp in Wesola near Mystowie was opened May 1943 to January 1945. The 1,283 prisoners being held in this camp would work in a coal mine, mining coal and excavating a new mine. Another camp called Kobior was active 1942 to 1943, in Kobior. The 158 prisoners in this camp would work on a forestry site. Lichtewerden, in Svetla was active November 1944 to January 1945 and it held about 300 prisoners. These prisoners worked in a thread factory sewing clothes and making clothes. Another camp, Neustadt, held about 399 women prisoners from September 1944 to January 1945. During this time, the women would in a textile mill. 

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